How to “de-ICE” a Supercharger Station
Patrick from "Tesla Trip" demonstrates the proper and *polite* technique to "de-ICE" a supercharger.

How to “de-ICE” a Supercharger Station

You’ve probably seen it already. ICE-ing has reached a new low. Recently, a few pickup truck owners decided to start purposefully ICE-ing Tesla supercharger stations, en masse. This is incredibly frustrating for owners who sometimes have no other choice but to recharge at a supercharger station. What’s more, sadly, sometimes the owners of these pickups yell obscenities at Tesla drivers, for no other reason than driving AMERICAN-made electric cars. Not cool guys (or gals). Not cool. 

BUT, we won’t let them get the best of us. We won’t retaliate. We won’t get even. Rather than put sugar in their fuel tank (seriously, don’t), we’ll just *politely* tow them to a different area of the parking lot. “Is that even possible?” you ask? Of course! You have a Tesla! As Patrick from Tesla Trip demonstrates in the video below, it’s remarkably easy. Ironically, for all the horsepower and engine noise pickup truck owners love, Tesla vehicles have far more TORQUE, which is the key ingredient for towing. All you need is:

  1. a trailer hitch (Tesla’s tow package or other professional installation recommended)
  2. a $30 tow strap

As you’ll notice in Patrick’s video, he simply attaches a tow strap to the front tow hook of the pickup (NOT the bumper) and to the trailer ball of his model X. Then, he *slowly* pulls the pickup into a safe and convenient spot, detaches the strap, then moves into the supercharger space of his choosing. Voila!

If you don’t have a trailer hitch or tow strap, I recommend it. We don’t know how much worse this will get… 

And by the way, by making a purchase through our Amazon affiliate link, your supporting the FreeCharging project!

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